

The Brief – We were given 3 words to make our own brief up with, these words were Observation, Definition and Perception. I chose Observation to create a case study about my nan to document how Dementia has affected her life.

The Outcome – An editorial about Jean Fentons journey of Dementia. I manipulated the code of an image of Jean’s earlier life that she can no longer remember, the way it is edited is determined by the symptom shown at the time of conversation that I recorded at her nursing home between my mum and nan. This conversation is running alongside on the next page. I really enjoyed this project as it has depth and a strong system.


Camden Tales – Final Major Project

Final Major Project
Final Major Project
Final Major Project

The Brief – Third year final major project, we had the freedom to create anything we wanted, which was actually the hardest part!

The Outcome – Celebrating Camden Town, London, through beer packaging. An interactive project that encourages the public to share their unique stories of the town via social media in order for a chance of this being illustrated on the next edition packaging. This is in favour of remembering what makes Camden so iconic, as the town is now more of a tourist attraction, it is important to celebrate what makes it so great.


ISTD – Undiscovered Country

No More

The Brief – “‘Stare death in the face’ and find out everything there is to know about it…Design a publication that ‘visits death’ – a work that will inform and stimulate the intellect whilst pleasing the typographic designer’s eye.”

The Outcome – Celebrating death by showing the downfalls in everyday life that you will no longer have to deal with. A chance to view death with something other than incomprehensible fear. I created a editorial about the small things in life that you will not miss when you die, this was a light hearted approach to visiting death.

A really interesting project, I loved being about to turn something so negative into a positive and being able to make people laugh about something they never thought they would find funny.


Process Books 

Each project I made a book documenting my process, printed and bound myself. I explored perfect binding, coptic binding, concertina fold, japanese binding and saddle stitch. I throughly enjoyed being able to design the book myself as well as actually creating it.